World Changes… … …

So very many changes/updates/expansions/alterations to do!!

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11 Responses to World Changes… … …

  1. Will says:

    First logged change (besides adding this blog)…

    Evie and I have decided to move around the movie theater.
    It dawned on me that with open access to a movie theater’s library and more than one person in the theater students might want to watch different videos!
    To cope with this: We will be moving the theater into the antechamber, and changing what is now playing in that movie, so that only administrators will be able to change/start/stop the large movie currently being played.

    In order to allow others to view what they want, videos will now popup in a personal web explorer window. This should allow anyone to watch their own video, and for controlled groups to watch a movie on the bigger screen.

    >> Should we make the theater and the screen bigger? This might make videos stretch out of proportion? But could be a better fit as a movie theater?

  2. Evie says:

    Hi Will,

    It is Tuesday 1 May and I am half-way through your proposal. I completely forgot to drop in earlier, as we are planning to do more regularly. I left you some chat last time I visited in your absence, but realise this may not remain available after I log out. so i will begin using the blog.

    When I get back from Edmonton – around the 15 May – there’s a window of time for us to work together developing more sites and features. Once you’ve got your proposal amended, let’s begin a serious effort in-world.

    Keep in touch. I shall check the blog for postings.


  3. Evie says:

    Hi Will,

    It is Tuesday 1 May and I am half-way through your proposal. I completely forgot to drop in earlier, as we have been planning to do on Tuesdays. On previous visits in your absence, I have been leaving chats. but these may not be available after I log out. so now I am trying the blog (it did not postmy first attempt).

    I am off to Montreal tomorro, and Edmonton next week. Once you have had a chance to go through my comments on your proposal, and once I get back – around the 15 May – there will be a window of time for us to focus on LabLife and in-world feature building. Looking forward to that space.

    Keep in touch, and check the blog for postings.

    • Will says:

      Hi Evie,

      The Tuesday meetings are still a plan. I have not checked the in world chat log. I will make sure one is still running, and work on that! I should have no problem getting one up if necessary.

      I like the idea of posting the weekly updates here on the blog. I will continue to check the Blog, and start posting my own updates on Tuesdays from now on.

    • Will says:

      On Chat loggers,

      I have installed 2 chat loggers that can be turned on or off by just touching them. That should suffice for now (they are pretty simple and should not lag the system too badly by running in the background).
      Imprudence (or any other client) can also log all the chat texts that occur around you. To turn on the chat logger on your client; open the edit menu at the top left of the screen. Then select Preferences. On the preferences window that will appear, select the ‘Communications’ tab on the left. The option for logging your chat texts is on this tab.
      I have mine turned on, as it allows me to go back and reference previous conversations.

  4. Evie says:

    Hi Will,

    Here I am again. I have just been in-world to take ome pics of the flora, for my presentation tomorrow.

    • Will says:


      I have a graphic designer now! I will get them started on some new flowers etc ASAP!
      I know we cannot provide a full position until the spring, but there is work to do now, so I will see how much we can get done (and start the ball rolling early, so that we can be in full steam for graphics come Sept).

  5. Evie says:

    Hi Will,

    This time it is Tuesday at about 11pm. I am in Toronto airport waiting for my flight to Edmonton. So I am keeping up with the Tuesday drop-ins, but a little later than we discussed.
    Montreal went well and I have a few ideas to discuss with you when I return.
    Hope you’re well.


    • Evie says:

      Hi Will,

      Late Tuesday 29th May. Just visited the new wing of the Interpretation Centre and found everyone’s photos and bios. Good job! We will have to ask people to drop in and add stuff they’d like to show on their pages…


    • Will says:

      I am glad to hear the presentation went well. I updated the Introduction section of the website with references to the recent presentations.

  6. Evie says:

    Hi Will,

    I dropped into LabLife this evening from Athens, and introduced my brother. We will drop in again soon.


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